A new hopeful feminism 🇬🇧
Contrary to what is often imagined by a feminist, Carine Bovey does not want to come into conflict with the male sex, on the contrary, she claims the right to be attractive and feminine. She is one of women who consider men those as their allies. The artist is part of a joyful, hopeful feminism that celebrates love and freedom. The freedom of women to dress as they wish, to walk the in street without being attacked or to hang together with who ever they want.
En ny hoppfull feminism 🇸🇪
Till skillnad från vad man ofta föreställer sig av en feminist, vill Carine Bovey inte komma i konflikt med det manliga könet, tvärtom hävdar hon rätten att vara attraktiv och feminin. Hon är en av kvinnorna som betraktar män som sina allierade. Konstnären hyllar en glad, hoppfull feminism som firar kärlek och frihet. Kvinnors frihet att klä sig som de vill, att gå på gatan utan att bli attackerade eller att umgås med vem de vill.
🇨🇭 🇫🇷 Un nouveau féminisme plein d’espoir 🇱🇧
Contrairement à ce qui est souvent imaginé d’une féministe, Carine Bovey ne veut pas entrer en conflit avec la gent masculine. Bien au contraire, elle revendique le droit d’être séduisante et féminine. Elle fait partie des femmes qui considèrent les hommes comme leurs alliés. L’artiste s’inscrit dans un féminisme joyeux, plein d’espoir, célébrant l’amour et la liberté. La liberté des femmes de se vêtir comme elles le souhaitent, de marcher dans la rue sans se faire agresser ou encore de fréquenter qui elles veulent.
Although we are in 2022, taboos around menstrual periods remain very present. With the Mens series (Periods in Swedish) the artist composes bouquets of flowers mixed with her own menstrual blood…
Delicate protest
Delicate protest. Handmade embroidery reminiscent of signs in feminist protest.
Weapons of mass seduction
Weapons of mass seduction
Shape game between beauty products and weapons. Women have to be good at seducing others, but above all, they have to please themselves. The importance is that they have the choice to dispose of their bodies…
A blend between the words oyster and estrogen. This serie of drawings shows oysters and mussels with pearls that remain eggs. The background is shimmering like mother of pearl…
Kvinnofigurer / Feminines figures
Feminines figures. With her feminines figures, Carine Bovey makes portraits of women by symbols. People are defined through stereotypes.